Tuesday, February 12, 2013

An Hour with the Lord

One or our parishioners, Deidre Teodosio, gave this wonderful explanation of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I thought it would benefit you all.

An Hour With Our Lord

Have you ever heard the story of a man who lived alone and his town was beginning to flood. Everyone was being evacuated.   As the water rose this man insisted on staying in his home because God would save him.  When the water got as high as his 2nd floor window people in a boat came by urging him to get in, again he insisted that God would save him.  Not long after that he had to climb to his roof to keep from drowning.  A rescue helicopter flew above him insisting he get in.  He would not budge-God would surely not forsake him.  The next thing he knew he was in Heaven and in front of God.  Upon seeing God the man asked God why He did not save him.  God replied that He had sent a boat and a helicopter to rescue him but he refused them.

Do you ever felt like you are drowning under the weight of life’s circumstances and you find yourself looking for some kind of sign from God to help you?  Perhaps you have too much on your plate and you are so overwhelmed with responsibility you don’t know where to start. Or perhaps you have received news that someone you love or you yourself have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and you are looking for answers and peace for your broken heart.
Maybe the everyday stresses of work, kids, bills, responsibilities have worn you down to your last nerve OR you have received some wonderful news and you cannot find anyone to share it with.

What if I told you that there is a place you can go to unburden yourself, to become refreshed, to receive good counsel and be comforted-it costs you nothing, no insurance required, but is of infinite value. The answer to any need you may have is right here at this Church.

It is our Lord in the Eucharist.  Jesus told His disciples that He is the Bread of Life and that He would be with us until the end of time.  Not in some metaphysical way, but really, substantially.  We all understand that God is everywhere, but do we remember that He is here with us body, blood, soul and divinity at every Mass.  The bread and wine are consecrated and transformed into Jesus’ body, blood, soul and divinity-And it remains Jesus forever.  He is kept in the Tabernacle where we can visit Him anytime, BUT the Church also provides special times for the Adoration of Jesus.  The Host is placed in a Monstrance and set here on the alter for all to come and visit Him. 

It was Jesus who asked His disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane to  be with Him for 1 hour---1 hour that was all.  Our Church provides the means for us to be with Him for THAT hour in an extraordinary way-through Adoration. If you have never taken time to sit and be with our Lord in this way I urge you, I challenge you to do this.  Once you have spent time in Adoration you will want to go again and again.

He will transform you in ways you never thought possible. Do not let this opportunity pass you by.  Accept His invitation to spend just 1 hour with Him-it is our Lord asking you. 

If you are not sure what Adoration is like, I will tell you. It is as simple as sitting and looking at Jesus in the Monstrance. That’s all you have to do. You can pray, read or just listen.  It is your hour with Him.  You will notice a peace, like a burden has been lifted.  You will be rejuvenated, happy,  and joyful. This hour will begin a journey of drawing you ever closer to our Lord and will strengthen you spiritually.   This is a great time to start since Lent begins in less than two weeks. Spending time in Adoration will help you prepare for Lent.

Blessed John Paul II spent countless hours in Adoration, Pope Benedict has said the we are currently witnessing a “springtime in Eucharistic Adoration” and Archbishop Fulton Sheen always prayed for an hour before the Blessed Sacrament before he hosted his weekly program.  Countless saints, and current people of all walks of life spend time before Jesus regularly.  This is a great opportunity for you to find out what these  people already know.  Who knows Adoration may be the boat or helicopter that God is sending you.

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