Sunday, December 11, 2016

Great Expectations

3rd Sunday of Advent

Cycle A

Is 35:1-6a,10

Ps 146:6-7,8-9,9-10

Jas 5:7-10

Mt 11:2-11


What have you come to see? Who have you come to see?


The Jews of Jesus’ day were all searching and waiting for the Messiah. They wanted desperately to be delivered from Roman oppression. God had promised that they would be saved some day. By the messiah. Who would it be? And what would he be like? Would he be humble, would he be magnificent? Would he raise a great army and overthrow the Romans to restore the kingdom to Israel? Everyone seemed to have a different expectation.


Could John be him? They didn’t know exactly who John the Baptist was. They had heard all sorts of rumors about him. He was definitely a great prophet. Thousands of people came to the Jordan River to be baptized by him. Was he the messiah?


But now John was in Herod’s prison, and his future was uncertain. John told his disciples that he was not the messiah, that there was another coming after him. John obviously knew his cousin, Jesus, but they lived far apart, so we don’t really know what sort of relationship they had growing up. John had heard of Jesus’ preaching and healing as he traveled throughout Galilee, and he knew his cousin was special. His mother had told him so. Was he really the promised one? He sent his disciples to Jesus to ask.


They were surprised by what they found. This was no military leader or strongman. He seemed ordinary and he was from Nazareth. Could anything good ever come from Nazareth? How could this be the one who John said was so much greater than him that he was not fit to loosen his sandals? And he spoke in riddles. He didn’t give them a straight answer. Instead he quoted the prophets and left them to figure it out for themselves. I wonder if they were disappointed.


Who is Jesus to you? What are your expectations of him? Will you be surprised by what you find? Will you be disappointed? Will he be the one for you or will you look for another?


Today, people from all over are also searching for God, They come to Jesus to see if he is the one they’ve been waiting for. For some, he meets their expectations and they become his disciples. Others are disappointed and move on to the next fad they think will bring fulfillment.


Are you looking for a reed swaying in the breeze, a flexible God who will bend his or her teachings as the winds of change blow with the times? Are you looking for a king, an authoritarian figure who sets the rules and then acts as judge of all? What kind of Jesus are you looking for?


We often project our own personalities onto our images of Jesus. For some he’s the ultimate liberal, filled with compassion and love for all. For others he’s a staunch conservative, the stern king who will come to judge the living and the dead. They make lists of his commandments and strive to keep each and every one to the letter.  But is Jesus one or the other? Is he really that one dimensional? We are always trying to change Jesus into our image, when what we are called to do instead is change ourselves into his image.


But we’re all searching, aren’t we? We ask, as John the Baptist did, “Are you really the one or should we keep looking?” Have you found him here, in this church? Or will you keep on looking? Are you surprised or disappointed by the Jesus that’s present in this community? Or will you walk on down the road to the next church until you find the Jesus that fits with your expectations of him?


What do you do when Jesus doesn’t meet your expectations? He says today, “Blessed is the one who takes no offense at me.” I guess that’s a good starting point for discipleship. At the very least be open enough to not be offended by what he says and does. First get your expectations aligned with the reality of Jesus.


The thing is, Jesus never needs to live up to our expectations of him. We need to live up to his expectations of us. Like the people who went out into the desert to see John, we have never met Jesus face-to-face. We have relied upon what others have told us about him. We meet Jesus in scripture, in the Mass and the other sacraments, and in the lives of his present day disciples. And we have formed our impressions of who he is from this second hand information. Some of us have actually encountered Jesus personally in our hearts and seen him working in our lives. Sometimes those encounters have surprised us and sometimes we have been discouraged. But Jesus never changes. We do. And his message never changes. Only our response to his message changes. His reality does not change based upon what we believe. We change because of what we believe. We change because Jesus is who he says he is.


Rejoice! The Lord is in our midst. Here is your God, He comes with vindication.. That’s the message of our readings today and that’s the message Jesus proclaimed throughout all Judea. Stop looking, you’ve found Him. He is not up in the sky somewhere or anyplace else. The Lord is in our midst. Here. Today. And that is cause for great rejoicing.

It’s time to take a break. It’s time to change gears for a bit. Today is the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Gaudate Sunday, and gaudate means rejoice. It’s time we stop and step out of the whirlwind of parties and shopping and Santa and Christmas carols and simply rejoice in the wonders of our God and all the marvelous things He has done for us.

I think it is very easy for us today to lose sight of how wonderful we have it. We keep looking for the meaning of Christmas in the sights and sounds and traditions of the season, when all along they’re right here, in our hearts. It doesn’t matter if the secular world has hijacked Christmas. All Christmas is is living as a disciple of Christ, and so for us, Christmas isn’t a day and it isn’t a feeling. It is a way of life.

What can you do to acknowledge the most important gifts you will be receiving? How can your eyes and ears be opened to recognize the hand of God in every carol, every delicious meal, every child? How can you rejoice in just being alive and acknowledge the gift? How can you accept the mercy that God has extended to you and then offer that mercy to others, especially to those who have hurt you?

Advent is a time of great expectations. Let’s take the time the next two weeks to truly see and hear, to pay attention to the Lord who has come into the world. Lay your expectations aside and just let Jesus be Jesus. It’s the unknown gift under the Christmas tree that generates the most curiosity and excitement. Allow yourself to be surprised when you encounter him.





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